- gravitational orbit
- орбита, находящаяся в сфере притяжения (Земли)
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
gravitational orbit — gravitacinė orbita statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gravitational orbit vok. Gravitationsbahn, f rus. гравитационная орбита, f pranc. orbite gravitationnelle, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Gravitational time dilation — is the effect of time passing at different rates in regions of different gravitational potential; the higher the local distortion of spacetime due to gravity, the slower time passes. Albert Einstein originally predicted this effect in his theory… … Wikipedia
Orbit Unlimited — is a science fiction novel by Poul Anderson, first published in 1961.[1] Essentially a linked group of short stories, it recounts the colonisation of the planet Rustum, a fictional terrestrial world orbiting Epsilon Eridani, by a group of… … Wikipedia
Orbit — This article is about orbits in celestial mechanics, due to gravity. For other uses, see Orbit (disambiguation). A satellite orbiting the Earth has a tangential velocity and an inward acceleration … Wikipedia
Gravitational wave — In physics, a gravitational wave is a fluctuation in the curvature of spacetime which propagates as a wave, traveling outward from a moving object or system of objects. Gravitational radiation is the energy transported by these waves. Important… … Wikipedia
Orbit of the Moon — Not to be confused with Lunar orbit in the sense of a selenocentric orbit, that is, an orbit around the Moon The Moon completes its orbit around the Earth in approximately 27.3 days (a sidereal month). The Earth and Moon orbit about their… … Wikipedia
Gravitational two-body problem — The gravitational two body problem concerns the motion of two point particles that interact only with each other, due to gravity. This means that influences from any third body are neglected. For approximate results that is often suitable. It… … Wikipedia
Gravitational constant — The gravitational constant G is a key quantity in Newton s law of universal gravitation. The gravitational constant, denoted G, is an empirical physical constant involved in the calculation of the gravitational attraction between objects with… … Wikipedia
Gravitational keyhole — A gravitational keyhole, or resonance keyhole, is a small region of space that if an asteroid were to pass through it, its course would be altered due to Earth s gravity in a way that could cause such an asteroid to collide with the Earth on its… … Wikipedia
orbit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. path, track, circuit, revolution, course; region, range, sphere, realm, scope; province, sphere of influence. See astronautics, business. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Path described by one body revolving… … English dictionary for students
Gravitational well — In physics, a gravity well is the gravitational potential field around a massive body (a particular kind of potential well). Physical models of gravity wells are sometimes used to illustrate orbital mechanics. Gravity wells are frequently… … Wikipedia